SUZHOU JINGUAN TEXTILES IMP & EXP CO.,LTD began its journey from year 2006, Today it becomes a quality-oriented corporation owned by JINLUN group which founded in 1998 and be top ranking in the textile industry.
It occupies more than 14000 square meters with 1200 imported looms for woven fabrics also knit fabric production mill in Shaoxing. We greatly value our highly skilled, dedicated staff of over 600 and take pride in the quality of fabrics that the team produces.
At JINGUAN TEXTILE, the quality control is of primary significance and our experience is extensive and the quality of our products is reflected in the quality of our clients.
Categories: Yarn & Fabric/ Fabric/ Functional Fabric/ Knit/ Knit Fabrics/ Nylon/ PC/ Polar Fleece/ Polyester Fabric/ Suede Fabric/ Woven/ 100% Polyester/ Blended Fabric/ Blended Yarn/ Fleece/ Jersey/ Micro Fleece/
Listing Type: Bronze Tier
Contact Number(s): Login to view contact information
Country: China
Current Time of China: 19:00:44 pm (2525/02/26)
Year of Company Establishment: 1998
Production Capacity Per Month: 8 million meters
Minimum Quantity Per Order: 3000 meters
Delivery Lead Time: 10-20 days
Product Detail:
High grade woven fabrics made by polyester, poly/cotton, Nylon/poly or their mixed for Jacket, down jacket, outdoors, windcoat. Specialty in Memory effect and High elastane and Water Repellent: Regular and new micro polar fleece, velour, Hatch Knits and their bonding by composition Polyester, poly/viscose or poly/cotton.
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