Engaged in providing water treatment products; our water chemicals division caters to products for boilers, cooling towers, HVAC and generators and reverse osmosis systems, while our water filtration division is engaged in providing water filtration products including media filters, carbon filters, water softening plants and reverse osmosis systems. We know water and when customers of industrial water treatment choose to purchase our products, we understand that what they’re really investing in is the service and relationship that Radiant’s experts provide. We know how to keep your operations flowing so that you can focus on what is critical to you – your customers, your business objectives and your bottom line. Our field personnel approach their business as a partnership, providing customers with water treatment services that maximize system effectiveness through a unique combination of outstanding service, high quality products and superior technical expertise.
Categories: Textile & Apparel Machinery/ Chemical production line/ Drying production line/ Environmental protection equipment/ Boiler Chemicals/ Cooling Water Chemicals/ RO Chemicals/ RO Plants/ Water Softening Plants/ Water Filtration/
Listing Type: Gold Tier
Contact Number(s): Login to view contact information
Country: Pakistan
Current Time of Pakistan: 09:40:19 am (2525/02/23)
Year of Company Establishment: 1991
Production Capacity Per Month: 100 Tons
Minimum Quantity Per Order: 2000
Delivery Lead Time: 14 Days
Product Detail:
Boiler Chemicals: Oxygen Scavenger, Corrosion Inhibitor, Sludge Conditioner, Scale Inhibitor
Cooling Water Chemicals: Biocide, Dispersant, Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors HVAC and Compressor Closed Circuit Chemicals Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant, Biocide and RO Cleaning Chemicals Air Handling Units cleaning chemicals Air Cooler Cleaner Reverse Osmosis Plants Water Softening Plants Media Filtration Plants Carbon Filtration Plants
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